
We solicit proposals for half-day or full-day workshops to be held as part of the 2025 American Control Conference (ACC) in Denver, Colorado. Workshops will be held on Monday, July 7th, preceding the main conference program from July 8-10, 2025.

The aim of the conference workshops is to emphasize emerging topics of particular interest to the conference attendees. Proposals for workshops addressing novel control methodologies and control applications as well as workshops with strong tutorial value are encouraged. We also welcome proposals for workshops focused on increasing diversity and equity in the controls community or integrating societal equity concerns in control systems design.

Workshop proposals can be submitted through Paperplaza. The deadline to submit a proposal is October 20th, 2024.

Each workshop proposal must include:

  1. Title of the workshop;
  2. Description of the technical issues covered, emphasizing the timeliness of the proposed workshop;
  3. Workshop organizers (names, affiliation and contact information);
  4. Names of proposed speakers, and a statement explaining the diversity of the session speakers along dimensions such as gender, geography, industry/academia affiliation and other forms of diversity.  If creating a diverse session has been particularly challenging for you, please include a statement indicating what efforts you took to increase the diversity. We welcome any additional forms of diversity you wish to articulate;
  5. Duration of workshop (half day vs. full day);
  6. If appropriate, a description of past versions of the workshop.

If you have any questions, please contact Mahnoosh Alizadeh, ACC 2025 Workshops Chair